Facebook Commits to Audit of Ad Metrics

Facebook Commits to Audit of Ad Metrics

Facebook agreed to submit to audits by the media industry’s measurement watchdog, the Media Rating Council, helping address concerns among some advertisers who had become skeptical of the social network’s metrics, according to Bloomberg.

Facebook had come under fire recently after a series of missteps in which it disclosed several mistakes in reporting data to partners and advertisers. The company conducted its own review of practices and vowed to be more transparent about errors in the future.

According to plans for the next year, Facebook said it aims to release more detailed information, such as metrics on how long users view an ad and how much of it was visible on the screen. “We want to provide transparency, choice and accountability,“ Facebook said. “Transparency through verified data that shows which campaigns drive measurable results, choice in how advertisers run campaigns across our platforms, and accountability through an audit and third-party verification.“

Facebook’s move to work with the Media Rating Council and providing additional data “goes a long way to alleviate the concerns“ from advertisers, said Bob Liodice, president and chief executive officer of the Association of National Advertisers. “That’s what we’ve been clamoring for, we’ve spent the last six months or so talking with Facebook about this,“ he said. “This is the appropriate blueprint and framework for us to make better marketing decisions.“

Having an independent organization validate the metrics Facebook puts out makes the data more trustworthy and provides advertisers with the ability to compare results across ad platforms, he said.