Huawei Breaks Ground for a Fully Connected, Intelligent World

Huawei Breaks Ground for a Fully Connected, Intelligent World

Huawei held its 15th annual Global Analyst Summit in Shenzhen. At the summit, the company shared its vision for an intelligent world of the future, as well as the trillions of dollars of new opportunities that will come along with it.

Company executives elaborated on Huawei's role as a pioneer of this intelligent world, giving insight into company strategy and current initiatives. As a glimpse of what the intelligent world will entail, the company released the Global Industry Vision 2025 report, which outlines business practices, solutions, and technological innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, cloud services, the Internet of Things (IoT), and other domains.

Rotating Chairman, Eric Xu, opened the summit, explaining Huawei's new vision in detail. He talked about the benefits of digital and AI technology for every person, home, and organization, as well as the challenges the industry faces. "In an age defined by greatness, Huawei aspires to become a great company. We want to help mankind take its next step forward," he said. "This is the basis of our new vision and mission: Bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world.

Guided by its new vision, Huawei plans trailblaze a path forward to this intelligent world, focusing on ICT infrastructure and smart devices. They aim to increase the competitiveness of their entire product and solution portfolio, including cloud, networks, and devices, and deliver a superior user experience through across-the-board adoption of AI technology.