Huawei Joins Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace

Huawei Joins Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace

Huawei joined the Paris Call, a declaration aimed at spurring collective action toward securing cyberspace.

In becoming a Paris Call member, chinese company joined 564 other entities who have made a public commitment to strengthening the security of digital products and digital systems. The group’s members include 67 states, 139 international and civil society organizations, and 358 private-sector companies.

Launched by the French government last November, the Paris Call is a declaration of commitment to work collaboratively on one of the world’s most challenging issues. Members work together to make digital products more secure, strengthen collective defenses against cybercrime, and promote cooperation among stakeholders across national borders. They also pledge adherence to international norms of responsible behavior in cyber space.

“The quest for better security serves as the foundation of our existence, said John Suffolk, Global Cyber Security & Privacy Officer at Huawei. “We fully support any endeavor, idea or suggestion that can enhance the resilience and security of products and services for Governments, customers and their customers. We support global collaborative action on improving defenses against cybercrime, including openness, transparency and internationally agreed standards“.