CCA checks paperwork for merger H1 Telekom - Optima Telekom and HT's request to extend the concentration

CCA checks paperwork for merger H1 Telekom - Optima Telekom and HT's request to extend the concentration

At this time the Croatian Competition Agency is unable to respond further to the request from related to the merger H1 Telekom Optima Telekom, was written in the answer by the agency to questions from, Croatian web portal.

We asked CCA about possibilities of extending the concentration of HT and Optima Telekom based on excerpts solutions that CCA brought on conditional approval of concentration HT / Optima.

"The Agency's application concentration Optima / H1 submitted five working days and legal services must first determine whether the application is complete by the regulations (the Competition Act and the Regulation on the application concentration). Only after it has determined that the application is complete, the CCA will begin the process of concentration appraisal, whose progress will timely inform the public“, according to the Agency for Protection of Competition.