Python Remains Most Popular Programming Language

Python Remains Most Popular Programming Language

Python remains the most popular programming language in 2020, according to GitHub and Google Trends, surpassing longstanding Java and JavaScript in popularity.

To determine popularity, GitHub compared which programming languages were being searched for the most in Google. Python held 29.9 percent of all tutorials searched for, while Java had 19.1 percent and JavaScript had 8.2 percent.

Python was first implemented in the 1980s and has become one of the key programming languages across the internet alongside Java and JavaScript. Python has had three major updates, with the last, Python 3, finishing in 2008.

While newer programming languages from companies like Google, Mozilla and Apple have tried to become the new standard, Python and other older languages have continued to be used by developers across the world. Large companies like Google, Instagram and Dropbox all rely on Python for their versatile suite of products and platforms, and completely transitioning to a different language is an enormous task most companies avoid.