T-Mobile US Gets Sued over Cyberattack

T-Mobile US Gets Sued over Cyberattack

Affected customers have sued T-Mobile US in connection to a recent cyberattack. The breach has affected 37 million users. Two plaintiffs claim that the company was negligent in protecting customers.

In a court filing with the US district court in Florida, plaintiff Christine Cortazal brought forward the complaint for damages from the US operator, leading the charge on behalf of all affected customers. Cortazal argued T-Mobile failed to exercise reasonable care in securing sensitive personal information. She is seeking compensation for herself and any persons similarly impacted. An almost identical lawsuit was filed by Jennifer Baughman in a court in California.

T-Mobile recently issued details of a cyberattack that commenced in November 2022 and which the operator first identified on 5 January. The company claims it stopped the attack within 24 hours of first identifying it, but acknowledged data including users’ real names, billing addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, and account information had been compromised. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, T-Mobile acknowledged it would likely face significant expenses as a result. The operator agreed to pay $350 million to settle a lawsuit in 2022, following a breach affecting more than 100 million users.