IBM Will Develop IoT Solution for Bridges, Tunnels, Highways and Railways

IBM Will Develop IoT Solution for Bridges, Tunnels, Highways and Railways

IBM announced a collaboration with Sund & Bælt, which owns and operates some of the largest infrastructure in the world, to assist in development of an AI-powered IoT solution designed to help prolong the lifespan of aging bridges, tunnels, highways, and railways. The new industry solution, IBM Maximo for Civil Infrastructure, further extends the IBM Maximo portfolio while providing deep industry and task-specific functionality to help organizations manage, monitor and administer their infrastructure assets.

Deteriorating infrastructure is a global challenge. Organizations struggle with aging facilities, the difficulty of physical inspections and high cost of continued maintenance. This announcement leverages Sund & Bælt's operational expertise with Maximo Enterprise Asset Management and Asset Performance Management (APM) solutions, to help extend the lifespan of infrastructure and reduce overall maintenance costs. By implementing predictive and prescriptive maintenance strategies using Maximo APM coupled with AI visual recognition tools developed by IBM Research, organizations can endeavor to model, map and monitor each structure.

Sund & Bælt owns and operates some of the largest infrastructure in the world, such as the Storebælt Link and the 16km Øresund Link between Denmark and Sweden. Currently preparing construction for the world's longest immersed tunnel, the 18 km Femern Belt Fixed Link between Denmark and Germany, Sund & Bælt is working  to also make this Europe's smartest tunnel.