Is Alexa Killing the Radio Star?

Is Alexa Killing the Radio Star?

Edison Research and NPR released the latest edition of their joint Smart Audio Report, offering new research on how smart speakers are used. According to their estimates, 39 million Americans currently own a smart speaker, of which roughly two thirds wouldn’t want to go back to life without their little helper.

As is most often the case when new technology emerges, its rise comes at the expense of other devices. Just ask an iPod what it thinks about smartphones. In the case of smart speakers, the good old radio appears to be the most prominent victim. According to a recent survey among 800+ smart speaker owners, 39 percent of them agree that they spend less time using their radio since having their voice-enabled speaker.

Since listening to music (in many cases online radio) is one of the most commonly used features of the popular devices, this doesn’t really come as a surprise. Maybe more surprising is the fact that 34 percent say that their smart speaker has replaced some of their smartphone usage, indicating that the voice assistants in devices such as Amazon’s Echo are more than just gimmicks and actually get some stuff done.