Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones

Share price of Snapchat’s parent company Snap recently fell to the lowest it’s been since the company went public with in March 2017.

It may be a coincidence, but it is certainly fitting that on the same day that Snap’s shares hit a new low, Facebook announced that Facebook Stories, one of many features it copied from Snapchat, now has 150 million daily active users.

It has been a recurring theme ever since Snapchat entered the social media scene a couple of years ago: whenever a Snapchat feature proved popular with its users, Facebook went ahead and copied it. What started with camera filters and stickers has been particularly blatant with Snapchat Stories, a feature that Facebook unabashedly copied for all its social media platforms - and to great success.

Both Instagram Stories and WhatsApp Status have long surpassed Snapchat in terms of daily active users and it Facebook Stories are probably next in line.