Europeans Have €355 More Per Person in 2018

Europeans Have €355 More Per Person in 2018

Europeans have an average of €14,292 per person available for spending and saving in 2018, according to the study GfK Purchasing Power Europe. Disposable net income among the 42 studied countries varies substantially: Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Iceland have the highest average purchasing power, while Belarus, Moldova and the Ukraine have the lowest.

In 2018, Europeans have a total of approximately €9.7 trillion available. Per capita purchasing power grew by around 2.5 percent in 2018, which is significantly above last year’s figure. This corresponds to an average per capita purchasing power of €14,292. As the rankings make clear, the amount available to consumers for purchases differs widely from country to country.

As in the previous year, Liechtenstein takes first place, with a per capita purchasing power of €65,438. This far outpaces the other countries and is more than 4.5 times the European average. With a purchasing power of €40,456 per person, Switzerland comes in at second place. Inhabitants of this country have almost three times what is available to the average European.

The other countries in the top-ten list also have significantly above-average per capita purchasing power, amounting to at least 1.5 times the European average. Finland makes it into the top ten this year, overtaking the United Kingdom, which comes in at eleventh place with a per capita purchasing power of €20,572.

While 17 countries considered by the study have above-average per capita purchasing power, 25 countries fall below the European average. The Ukraine is in last place with just €1,318 per person.